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Visiting the Medieval city of Provins and tasting the niflettes

Today, Jeanne and Léon have a big day ahead of them : they are planning to visit the medieval city of Provins ! The plan is to go there by train and spend the day there. It's a one-hour-and-a-half-ride from Gare de l'Est to Provins if you take the line P.

Provins is a city located in Seine-et-Marne and is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is a medieval city. Jeanne and Léon enter the old city by the Porte Saint-Jean and discover several amazing buildings, including the Cesar Tower, the Saint-Quiriace collegiate. The town is very well preserved, and many medieval events are organized troughout the year.

Provins is also known for its culinary specialty : the Niflettes ! These small pastries were originally created in the XIInd century for All Saints Days. They consist in a layer of puff pastry wich is covered by an orange-flavoured-pastry cream. It is the sweetest thing to eat with a tea ! Jeannes loves it.

Would you like Jeanne to share the recipe of the Niflettes in a future blog post ? Tell us in the comments below !

See you soon,

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