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Visiting the Basilique Saint-Denis and eating a flan

Saint-Denis is the destination of the day for Jeanne and Léon. They want to visit the Basilique Saint-Denis. It is a large medieval abbey church. The building is of singular importance historically and architecturally as its choir, completed in 1144, shows the first use of all of the elements of Gothic architecture.

It is part of the Historial Monuments list of 1862, and its garden is part of it since 1926. The Basilique is mainly known for its stained-glass windows, which are some of the oldest gothic stained-glass windows in the world. Their aim was to change the light, and make it a "divine light".

After the visit, Jeanne and Léon go to the Pâtisserie La Romainville (104 rue Gabriel Péri

93200 Saint-Denis) to taste the culinary specialty of the day : the Parisian Flan.

The Parisian Flan is a baked pastry consisting of an outer pastry crust filled with eggcustard. It is usually vanilla-flavoured, but you can also adapt the taste by adding caramel, pistachios, hazelnut, or chocolate. During the XIX, people used to make flans with candied fruits. It is simple but delicious !

We wish you a happy day !

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