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Tasting one of the best parisian croissants at the Colonnes de Buren

Today's day trip is in Paris. Jeanne and Léon want to taste one of the best croissants of Paris. Croissant is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry named for its original crescent shape. It is one of the most popular viennoiseries in France !

You can find some of the best croissants of Paris at Maison Lendemaine (26, rue des Martyrs, 75009 Paris). Their croissants are even better when still warm and crispy !

Maison Lendemain is only a 20-min-walk from one of the greatest pieces of art in the capital city : Les Deux Plateaus, also known as the Colonnes de Buren. It is an art installation created by the French artist Daniel Buren in 1985-1986 and located in the inner courtyard of the Palais Royal.

The tourists can stand in the columns, to take pictures for example. They can also sit on one of the columns, to enjoy their croissant !

Bon appétit,

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