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Jeanne's Recipes : Cheptainville goat cheese

Jeanne’s recipe of the day is a salty one. It is a restyle of the traditionnal quiche Lorraine, originally made in the east of France. Today, we’re going to make a quiche with goat cheese from Cheptainville, a small village located in Essonne. To find this tasty cheese, you have to ride all the way to the « Elevage La Doudou » (8 Chemin du Cimetière, 91630 Cheptainville), a family farm that has been producing cheese and other dairy products like cream, butter and yogurts since 1988, thanks to the milk of its 65 goats. The goat cheese will bring an exquisite, unique taste to this quiche !

Ingredients :

  • 1 pie crust

  • 15cl of milk

  • 15cl of fresh cream

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 Cheptainville goat cheeses

  • 8 slices of bacon

Instructions :

  1. Preheat the oven at 200°C

  2. Roll out the dough in a pie plate and prick it with a fork

  3. In a salad bowl, stir together the milk, the fresh cream, the eggs and 1 and a half crushed goat cheese

  4. Cut the bacon slices intro strips and add them to the mix

  5. Pour this mix in the pie plate on the dough

  6. Slice the remaining cheese and lay the slices on the preparation

  7. Put the quiche in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes .

Enjoy ! Bon appétit !

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