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A royal day in Versailles

Today, Jeanne and Léon are in a royal mood : they are heading to Versailles ! Versailles was created by Louis XIV and was the headquarters of the political power for one century. It is the epitome of a former royal city.

Versailles' castle was meant to glorify the French monarchy. Several kings lived there, including Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. The building is an architectural work of art, with 2300 different rooms on 64 154 m2.

The royal park is also spectacular. It is 815 ha large, and contains gardens, pools, more buildings, and an orangerie.

Versailles is also known for a pastry, the Versaillais. It is composed of three layers of mousse (one with white chocolate, one with milk chocolate, and one with dark chocolate). These mousses lay on a hazelnut biscuit covered by a crispy praliné. The cake tastes as royal as the city it is named after !

Have you ever dreamed of going to Versailles? Tell us in the comments below !

Have an amazing day,

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