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A sweet bike trip to Malmaison's Castle

On a Saturday afternoon, Jeanne & Léon are bored and wonder what they could do to enjoy their day. Suddenly, Jeanne exclaims : « Why don’t we go for a bike ride around Paris ? ». What a good idea ! Paris is surrounded with cycle paths, and Ile-de-France is also well-served. Actually, the 3rd EuroVelo route crosses the region. Hence, biking is a fun, convenient, and ecological way to visit the area !

Jeanne’s plan for today is to taste the world-famous Brioche de Nanterre, named after a city in the Hauts-de-Seine departments. Léon saw that it is not too far from Malmaison’s castle : so, that’s the plan for today ! The two friends pack their backpacks, put on their helmets, rent bikes, and head to the RER A, (direction : Saint-Germain-en-Laye). Their stop is the Nanterre-Ville station.

Nanterre has 95 105 inhabitants, making it the 2nd most inhabited city of the department. It is mainly known for the La Défense disctrict with huge buildings and massive skyscrapers, but its city-center looks like one of a small town.

Jeanne and Leon’s first stop is the bakery ! The specialty of the day is the Brioche de Nanterre (Nanterre’s brioche).

The particularity of this brioche is that unlike the parisian brioches, it is rectangular, has no head, and is divided in 8 buns. It was created in 451, and was offered to the canons of the Sainte-Geneviève Abbey in Nanterre.

After enjoying the richness of the brioche, Jeanne and Léon go up on their bike again and head to Malmaison’s castle. There is a cycling road that runs along the Seine, on the Boulevard of Belle Rive. It is a short ride : only 20 minutes of bike to arrive to the castle.

Speaking of this castle, it has a lot of interesting history : The domain belonged to several successful rich families, before being bought by Joséphine Bonaparte in 1799. It then became the headquaters of the French government from 1800 to 1802. Ministers from the Consulate would gather together there frequently to take important decisions for the country. In 1896, a rich philantropist bought the castle and the park, and gifted it to the State in 1903. Two years later, in became a museum.

What a perfect way to end the day than admiring all this flowers ! See you soon !

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